Nagehan alçı rasim ozan kütahyalı video - nagehan alçı rasim video - rasim video twitter
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A citizen calling out to Nagehan Alçı, who was displayed at the CHP rally, 'Have you seen the videos of Rasim, Nagehan? “Assembly,” he shouted. At these words, Gypsum, whose face fell, did not know what to do and turned his face in the other direction.
Waving to the citizens at the CHP rally, journalist Nagehan Plaster turned his head when a citizen called out to him and tried to understand what the citizen was saying.
The citizen said, "Have you seen Rasim's videos, Nagehan? After shouting "Assembly, assembly", Plaster, whose face fell, turned his head and looked in the other direction.
It was claimed that Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı was with a transgender person named Okşan in Ankara.
Expressing that the person in the photo is not himself, Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı said, "The video 'Gay so-called ROK smoking 2.5 liters of coke and cigar', which FETÖ found someone from the p.rno archive and released on 17 December 2013, has been released again :) 10 years have passed. the same fake FETO-produced video. At least produce new slanders so that they are a little more convincing," he said.