Jan 23, 2024

The Pregnant Cat - English Short and Viral Story - English Kahani

The Cat - English Short Story

by: Takaishu Takaishu

Once, there was a pregnant cat. This cat was usually not around in house at night because she used to search for food, such as birds, rats, etc. As days passed by she finally gave birth to two little cats, so her time searching food was quite short because she had to focus her attention to the little babies.

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One day, the mother cat went to a rice field. There were so many birds, so she slowly walked onto one bird eating rice busily and minutes later the mother cat already hunted the bird. She ate it to relieve her hungry tummy, and when she was done she went home.

While she was walking towards an abandoned room where the little cats were resting, she suddenly stopped and could not believe what she saw. The two little cats were lying down with no heads and the other one had no body and was full of blood. The mother cat cried. She carried the two dead little cats using her mouth. If you looked at her you would see the sorrow on her eyes. The mother cat didn't eat anymore since her two baby cats have gone until such time she also died.

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